Truly Human
We usually associate Lent with fasting and restraint from human bodily pleasures — for good reasons! — to prepare our hearts for the work that God wants to do in us. But what if Lent was about God making us MORE human and not less? What does it mean to be and become fully human?
During Lent, we’ll look at the Gospel arc of God’s plan and purpose for humanity. We’ll sit in the wonder of what it means to be created from the earth and formed in God’s image, with a body, mind, heart, and soul. We’ll kneel in lament and repentance as we grapple with how evil, self-centeredness and systems of death de-form us and strip away our humanity. We will refuse to look away from the world's suffering, but we will also contend with all the ways we’ve contributed to that suffering. We’ll then walk to the cross and see how Jesus the Christ and how his divine-humanity invites us into God’s restoration, reparation, and healing. We’ll engage in self-reflection, inner examination, and exercises in solidarity, asking ourselves, “Is this way making me more human in the way God intended? Or is it making me less human?
Overall, we’ll explore together what it means to function the way God designed us to, and flourish as God always intended.
Sermon List
February 19
Image Formed: Made in God’s Image
February 26:
Image Formed: Down to Earth
March 3:
Image De-Formed: Enter Sin
March 10:
Image Restored: The Cure
March 18:
Image Restored: The Clinic
April 7:
Who is My Neighbor?
(Guest: Abby Rice)
April 14:
Image Restored: Reverse the Curse
April 21:
Image Restored: Heaven on Earth